Pubblicazioni/ Publications

Articoli scientifici/ Journal articles

  1. Matera, C., Dommermuth, L., Bacci, S., Bertaccini, B., Minello, A., Vignoli, D. (2022) Perceived Economic Uncertainty and Fertility Intentions in Couples: A Dyadic Extension of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. Journal of Family and Economic  Issues
  2. Vignoli, D., Minello, A., Bazzani, G., Matera, C., Rapallini, C. (2022) Narratives of the Future Affect Fertility: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment. European Journal of Population.
  3. Lappegård, T.Kristensen, A. P.Dommermuth, L.Minello, A., and Vignoli, D. (2022) The impact of narratives of the future on fertility intentions in NorwayJournal of Marriage and Family1– 18
  4. Minello A., Dalla Zuanna G. and G. Alfani (2021) The growing number of given names as a clue to the beginning of the demographic transition in Europe. Demographic Research, 45(6): 187-220. DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2021.45.6
  5. Minello A., Russo C. (2021) Dentro lo schema. Accademiche italiane tra ricerca e didattica. Sociologia del lavoro, 160/2021: 88-109, DOI:10.3280/SL2021-160005
  6. Russo C., Minello A. (2021) Laboring academia: higher education never-ending youth and geriatric pregnancies’ issues, Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 3(2): 145-170. DOI: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2021-2-7
  7. Minello, A. (2021), The double-lock. Academic women’s motherhood and career paths, Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, OpenLab on Covid-19. DOI: 10.13128/cambio-10297
  8. Minello A., Martucci S., and Manzo L. K. C. (2020) The pandemic and the academic mothers: present hardships and future perspectives. European Societies, 23(1): S82-S94 DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2020.1809690
  9. Vignoli D., Guetto R., Bazzani G., Pirani E., Minello A. (2020). A Reflection on Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe: The Narrative Framework. Genus. Journal of Population Sciences. Genus. Journal of Population Sciences. 76, 2
  10. Minello, A., Caltabiano, M., Dalla-Zuanna, G., Vignoli, D. (2020) Catching up! The sexual behaviour and opinions of Italian students (2000–2017). Genus Journal of Population Sciences. 76, 16. Doi:
  11. Manzo, L. K. C., Minello A. (2020) Mothers, childcare duties, and remote working under COVID-19 lockdown in Italy: Cultivating communities of care. Dialogues in Human Geography. doi:
  12. Minello A., Dalla Zuanna G. (2019) A gender geography of intentional homicide within and outside of the family: Male and female murders in Europe, the US and Canada (2003–15). European Journal of Criminology,
  13. Minello A., Dalla Zuanna G. (2019) Morire in Italia: omicidi di donne, omicidi in famiglia. Popolazione e storia. DOI: 10.4424/ps2019-7
  14. N. Kulic, A. Minello, S. Zella (2019) Manage your money, be satisfied? Money management practices and financial satisfaction of couples through the lens of gender. Journal of family issues, doi: 10.1177/0192513X19891463
  15. Minello A., Tocchioni V. (2018) Tra lavoro e famiglia: analisi della relazione tra tempo dedicato al lavoro e prima unione in Italia. Rivista Italiana di Economia, Demografia e Statistica, LXXII(4): 18-29.
  16. Minello A., Dalla Zuanna G. and G. Alfani (2017) First signs of transition: The parallel decline of early baptism and early mortality in the province of Padua (northeast Italy), 1816-1870. Demographic Research, DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2017.36.27
  17. Bukodi E., Eibl F., Buchholz S., Marzadro S., Minello A., Wahler S., Blossfeld H-P., Erikson R. and A. Schizzerotto (2017) Linking the macro to the micro: a multidimensional approach to educational inequalities in four European countries. European Societies, DOI: 10.1080/14616696.2017.1329934
  18. Minello A. and H.P. Blossfeld (2016) From parents to children: The impact of mothers’ and fathers’ educational attainments on those of their sons and daughters in West GermanyBritish Journal of Sociology of Education, 38:5, 686-704. Doi: 10.1080/01425692.2016.1150156
  19. Minello A. and H-P., Blossfeld (2014) From mother to daughter: changes in intergenerational educational and occupational mobility in Germany. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 24(1): 65–84
  20. Minello A. (2014) The educational expectations of Italian children: the role of social interactions with the children of immigrants. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 24(2): 127-147
  21. Piccione L., Dalla Zuanna G. and A. Minello (2014) Mortality selection in the first three months of life and survival in the following thirty-three months in rural Veneto (North-East Italy) from 1816 to 1835. Demographic Research, 31(39): 1199-1228
  22. Minello A. and G. Dalla Zuanna (2014) Children of immigrants in the Italian school system: What kind of assimilation? Statistica Applicata – Italian Journal of Applied Statistics, 23 (2) 193-213
  23. Minello, A. and N. Barban (2012) The educational expectations of children of immigrants in Italy. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 643 (1), 78–103.

Libri e capitoli / Books and co. 


1. Minello A. (2022) Non è un Paese per madri. Bari, Laterza editori.

2. Dalla Zuanna G. P. , A. Minello and L. Piccione (2017) Sweet CHILD of mine. Padova, CLEUP.

Capitoli/Book chapters

1. Beier, L., Minello, A., Uunk, W., Pratter, M. Yastrebov, G. and H.P. Blossfeld (2023) The Emergence of Gender-Specific Competence Patterns and Decision Making During the Course of Educational and Job Careers in Germany. In Weinert, S., Blossfeld, G., & Blossfeld, H.-P. (eds.). Education, Competence Development and Career Trajectories: Analysing Data of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). Methodology of Educational Measurement and Assessment. Cham: Springer.

2. Fariello, S. and Minello, A. (2023) Dal passato al presente. Dinamiche di fecondità, interpretazioni sociali
e politiche pubbliche per un Paese che invecchia. In Pacifici Noja, U. G. Global health, conflitti e dinamiche di genere. Tab edizioni.

3. Martucci, S., Minello, A., & Manzo, L. K. C. (2022). The Unequal Ivory Tower. In Fornalè E. (ed.) Gender Equality in the Mirror. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Nijhoff. doi:

4. Tocchioni V., Petrucci A., Minello A. (2021) Short-term and long-term international scientific mobility of Italian PhDs: An analysis by gender. In Bertaccini B,. Fabbris L., Petrucci A., ASA 2021 Statistics and Information Systems for Policy Evaluation, Firenze University Press, DOI: 10.36253/978-88-5518-304-8.08

5. Dalla Zuanna G., Minello A., Vignoli D. (2021) Da Venere verso Marte. Nuovi comportamenti e ricerca del piacere. In: Dalla Zuanna G., Vignoli D.: Piacere e fedeltà, i millennials italiani e il sesso. Bologna, Il Mulino.

6. Vignoli, D.; Bazzani, G.; Guetto, R.; Minello, A.; Pirani, E. (2020) Uncertainty and Narratives of the Future. A Theoretical Framework for Contemporary Fertility. In: R. Schoen. Analyzing Contemporary Fertility, pp. 1-20 Springer, ISBN:978-3-030-48518-4.

7. Uunk W., L. Beier, A. Minello, P. Blossfeld (2019) Studienfachwahl MINT durch Frauen – Einfluß von Leistung in Mathematik, Lebenszielen und familialem Hintergrund (Women studying STEM: the influence of the performances in mathematics, life goals and family background). In: E. Schlemmer and M. Binder (eds.): MINT oder Care? Eckpunkte einer gendersensiblen Berufsorientierung. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz/Juventa, 2019, ISBN:978-3-7799-3940-5

8. Minello A. and H.P. Blossfeld (2017) Can adult education compensate for early disadvantages? The role of adult education in reducing inequalities for German men and women, in Erola J. and Kilpi-Jakonen E. (eds) Social Inequality Across the Generations: The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation, Edward Elgar Publishing.

Box: A. Minello (2019) Le ragazze vanno bene: istruzione e differenze di genere, in Desantis G., Pirani E., Porcu M. (eds) Rapporto sulla popolazione, L’istruzione in Italia, Il Mulino.

Book Reviews

Minello A. (2022) Stefano Cantalini, Famiglia e disuguaglianza. Matrimonio, fecondità e posizione sociale nell’Italia contemporanea, 2019. Quaderni di Sociologia, n. 88, 127-130.

Minello A. (2018) Alessandro Rosina, Sergio Sorgi: Il futuro che (non) c’è. Costruire un domani migliore con la demografia. The future that is(n’t). Building a better future with demography. Genus (2018) 74:8